Thank You!

We couldn’t have done it without our donors! Because of you we’ve been able to support 90 Northport graduates with scholarships totaling over $407,000. Our 2023 and 2024 donors are listed on this page.

We are doing everything we can to recognize our donors, but if we have inadvertently left your name off this list please accept our apologies and let us know by sending us an email at

Susan Ager and Larry Coppard
Dennis and Kim Armbruster
Gretchen Bachman
Kathryn Holmstrom Baker and Ronald Bake
Charmain and David Bebiak
Robert Blessing
Ryan Blessing
Daniel and Sue Boss
George Bourdo
Dan Brady
David Brow
Marlin Bussey
Lora Budd
Susan Cahn and Mario Batali
Howard Cann
Aileen Chetcuti
Patricia Chetcuti
Chetcuti Evans Foundation
Patti Clouse
George Cooper
J. Ben and Dawn Clayton
Robert and Joan Cody
Allan and Roberta Cohen
Bill and Sally Coohon
Daniel and Sherrard Cote
Jay Craker
Kevin Culp
Reginald and Wendy Dean
Joseph Defors and Janice Rygwelski
Pamela Detwiler
Charles Dickerson
Janet Dickerson
Angela Dhami
Thomas Dinapoli
Barrie Dewayne
Drag Queen Bingo
Lisa Drummond
Glen Duggar
Jim Dybyvig
James Eggert
Richard and Elizabeth Emerson
Lucia Elden and Bernard Alford
Terry and Judy Fera
Judith Fiegel
Grant Fitz
Terrance and Nancy Flannagan
Douglas Freeman
Freejoy Inc.
Grace and Kevin Gallagher
Jane Gale
Kathrine Garthe
Thomas Genette
Jeffery and Marcia Gibson
Steve Gilbreath
Linda Gits
Pamela Grath
Elise Green
Terry Gremel
John and Jill Grisdale
Kimberly and Mathew Gray
Barbara Grosmark
Karen Rubner Grotberg
Amy Gutkowski
Mike Hale
Raymond Hale
James Hampton
Mark Henry
Karen Hertenstein
Tony and Anne Hill
James and Mary Hollabaugh
Susan Holtz
Jay and Diane Homan
Cecily Horton
Christopher Hyman
Mark Jensen
Ronald and Marvel Jones
Brooks Kelly
David Keister
John Kilcherman
Gail Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kolarik
Jonathan Ledsky and Jeanne Cole
Anne Leabo
Robert and Mary Lieder
Roderick and Denise Lertola
Wendy Lichtenwalter
Theresa Maday
Lillian Mahaney
Luigi and Carlotta Maresca
John and Denise McCallum
Patrick McCarthy
Paula McMenamy
John Maynard
Paul Minshull
Scott Mulligan
Don and Anita Myers
James Nairne and Lynne Sugarman
Andrew Neal and Holly Harrison
Barry Nemon
Mark Nesbitt and Sara McVay
Jennifer Walter Paciorka
Alan Page
Cara Lee Paige
Alex Park
Brian and Jean Petersburg
Molly Phinny
Avner and Rena Porat
Alexa Post
Mr and Mrs Matt Prisk
Bethany Purdy
Don and Peg Ramsdell
Mary Ringer
John Rogers
Patricia Rogers
JoAnn Sahs
Timm Sahs
Rebecca Samburg
Peter Schaff
James and Mary Scarlett
Steven and Karla Scott
Joan Searby
Thomas and Susan Shelly
Teresa Sleder
Paul and Margaret Sloan
David and Elizabeth Sprandel
Evy Sussman
Margurite Sweet
Rebecca Teahen
Roberta and Jim Teahen
Debra and James Thatcher
Gloria Thomas
Karina Thomas
Jim and Lisa Tobin
John and Kim Todd
Gerald and Margaret Travis
Peter and Trish VanDusen
Kenneth VanElslander
Diane Viskochil
William Vodegel and Jennifer Molony
Mark and Jane Voight
Phillip and Barbara Von Voightlander
Judith Warren
Scott and Ruth Walker
Patricia Wall
James Waters
George and Sarah Wellman
Thomas and Cynthia Wellman
Thomas Wells
Deb Wetherbee
David and Sheree White
Patrick Wilson
Christine and John Woomer
Lee and Shirley Woodruff

Donations in Honor
In honor of Dave Warm from Anonymous
In honor of Kent and Linda Van Emst from Gary C. Young
In honor of Robert and Barbara Featherly
In honor of Andy and Gloria Thomas from Lauren Thomas-Kincaid
In honor of Shirley Beardslee and Jeanette Nielsen Witt from Lori Parsons
In honor of Ruth Walker by Rebecca Teahen
In honor of James and Jennifer Sager by Gary Young
In Honor of Norm and Sharon Golm from Doug and Merilee Scripps

Donations in Memory

In memory of Theda Connell
Scott and Ruth Walker
In memory of Mary Shiner
Kathy and Gene Garthe
Scott and Ruth Walker
In memory of Mike Connolly
Suzanne and Donald Christie
From Cory’s colleagues at EGLE
Porter Abbott
Mary Cusick and David Wible
Scott and Ruth Walker
In memory of Pauline Nielsen
Lee and Carol Bowen
Dorothy Irvine
Sherry Koenig
Lothar and Rose Kruegar
In memory of Norman and Pauline Nielsen from Lori Parsons
In memory of Phyllis Kilcherman from Dorothy Irvine
In memory of Bill Collins from Dorothy Irvine
In memory of Jane Ruth Thomas Allen
With love from Lauren, Tony, Sam and Laura Kincaid
Amy Singer
Dorothy Diedrichsons
Stan and Ann Smith
Carl and Anne Newberg
The Bill Wiltz family
Theresa and Howard Wood
In memory of Patty and Doug Sherman
Don and Laura Walworth
Scott and Ruth Walker
Margot Thomas
Joan and Mike TenBrock
In memory of Steven Egeler
Annette Deibel
In memory of Mac and Ruth Thomas
Amy Singer
In memory of Nancy Peterson
Mark Voight and Jane Coulter Voight
In memory of Amy Harrison
Dana Connell

2021 and 2022 Donors
Weston Adams
Juliette Adams
William and Jane Allen
Paul and Melisse Anderson
Kim and Dennis Armbruster
Ronald and Kathryn Holmstrom Baker
James Beaubein
Paul Belden
Christopher Blessing
Sue and Donald Bogue
David Brow
Jan and Jim Brown
Camilla Buehler
Howard Cann
Aileen Chetcuti
Jeremy Connolly
Bill and Sally Coohon
Barbara Conley and Gerald Schatz
Sherrard and Daniel Cote
Joe Defors and Jan Rygwelski
Audrey DeVault
Pamela Detwiler
Sherry Edwards
Betsy and Kris Ernst
Kelly Fischer
Patricia and James Fortin
Donald Frerichs
Thomas Gennette and George Cooper
Steve Gilbreath
Amy Gotkowski
Meg Haas
Raymond Hale
Kathleen and Ronald Hackleman
Virginia Hall
Susan Holtz
Dorothy Irvine
Susan and John Harrison
Sophia Johnson
Mark Jensen and Steve Mulliner
Jentees Custom Logo Gear
Scott Morgan Jones
Thomas Kalber
Laura Kalchik
Ray and Thea Kellogg
Katherine Kruse
Judy Kunst and Jim Root
Ronald and Marvel Jones
Richard Lang
Anne Leabo
Wendy and John Lichtenwalter
Theresa Maday
Lillian Mahaney
Luigi and Carlotta Maresca
Halley and Katherine McDonald
Martha Meeke
Georgie Murray and John Sanders
Anita and Donald Myers
Andrew Neal
Gregory Nobles
Omena Presbyterian Church
Cara Lee Paige
Elizabeth and Jeffrey Perlman
Donald Ramsdell
Michael and Elizabeth Petty
Tyler Rheem
Carol Rigg
Robert Reinert
Patricia Rogers and Michael Ouzounian
Scott Russell
John Sanders
Peter Schaff
Leslie and Walter Schmid
Rose and Michael Schmidtke
Merilee Scripps
Amy and Robert Singer
Jon Smith
Daniel Snyder
Patricia Sobehrad
Elizabeth Sonnega
Nonie and Myrn Steele
Roberta Teahen
Joan Kalchik Tenbrock
Phillip Thomas
Laura and Jim Tobin
Perry Tresh
Theresa Stamos Underwood
Judith Warren
Barbara Gilmore Weber
Merrilyn Welsh
Deb and Tom Wetherbee
Soon Yung Yoon and Richard Smith
Susan and Ivars Zadvinskis

In Honor of Gloria and Andy Thomas from Rena and Avner Porat and from Melisse and Paul Anderson

In Honor of Ryan Blessing from Cynthia Sullivan
In Honor of Ryan Blessing from Leesa and Jim Tobin

In Honor of Ryan Blessing, Dan Stowe and Ruth Steele Walker from Sally Viskochil

In Honor of Michael Chetcuti and Kyle Evans from Thomas Barlow

In Honor of the Grisdale Family from Jill Grisdale

In Honor of Isable Kricher from Bonnie Black

In Honor of Dylan Burguard from Barbara Burguard

In Honor of Wendy and Lee Jacobsen

In Honor of Lillian Brown from Sandra Krolik

In Honor of Vincent Murphy from Paul and Melisse Anderson

In Honor of Ben Purdy from Roberta Teahen

In Memory of Julienne Blessing
Sue and Daniel Boss
David Brow
Jeremy and Mike Connolly
Lorain Covey
Katie Deller
Sarah Mcvay and Mark Nesbit
Jennifer Molony and William Vodegel
Donna and Dale Stowe
Nicole Wehner
Ruth and Scott Walker
Cynthia and Thomas Wellman

In Memory of Doug Drummond
Carol and Lee Bowen
Jeremy and Mike Connolly
Karen DeVries
Sharon Hall
Marion King
Amanda Kruk
Sherry Koenig
Ellen Leone
Angela Maleski
Sin Hin Mok
Carol and James Munoz
Suzette Sanborn
Mel and Tammy Shelly
Jackie Van Dine
Sally Viskochil
Ruth and Scott Walker

In Memory of Joseph W. Harrison III “Joe Bill”
Christy Harrison Schafer

In Memory of Daniel Mahaney
Lillian Mahaney

In Memory of Tally Middletown
Sandra Krolik

In Memory of Norman Nielsen
Brenda and James Barnes
Ryan Blessing
Sherry Koenig
Ruth and Scott Walker

In Memory of Scott Brow
Wendy Dean

In Memory of Jim Landes
Jeremy and Mike Connolly

In Memory of Dottie Craker
Jay Craker

In Memory of Robert Pierce
Clara Gong

In Memory of All Those Lost in 2021
Gary and Dotty Brown

In Memory of Kirk Nairne
Jim Nairne

In Memory of Thomas Botz
Patrick Botz

In Memory of Susan Lang
Richard Lang

In Memory of Chuck Albin
Jeremy Connolly

In Memory of Kalin Johnson
Jeremy Connolly

In Memory of Susan Freemann
Jeremy Connolly

In Memory of Benny Lopez
Dorothy Irvine

In Memory of Gail Hale
Raymond Hale

In Memory of Ronald Harkai
Scott and Ruth Walker

In Honor of My Three Spartan Graduates
Terry Fera