Thank You to Our 2024 End-of-Year Donors
We couldn’t have done it without our donors! Because of you we’ve been able to support nearly 100 Northport graduates with scholarships totaling almost $435,000. Our most recent 2024 donors are listed on this page.
We are doing everything we can to recognize our donors, but if we have inadvertently left your name off this list please accept our apologies and let us know by sending us an email at
Aileen Chetcuti
Alan Page
Alex Parks
Alexa Post
Amanda Holmes and Daniel Stewart - In honor of Andy and Gloria Thomas
Anne Leabo
Audrey DeVault
Avner and Rena Porat
Barrie Dewane
Bayshore Oil and Propane
Brooks Kelley
Campbell McLeod
Cara Lee Paige
Charmaine and David Bebiak
Christine and John Woomer
Craig Tiggleman
Dale and Laurie Rooks
Dale Lersch
Daniel Snyder
Daniel and Mary Ziegler
David and Sally Viskochil Foundation David Brow
Debbie and Les Disch
Dennis and Kim Armbruster
Don and Peg Ramsdell
Drag Queen Bingo
Florence Lewis
Gail Koch
Gary Young
George and Angela Wills
Gerald and Margaret Travis
Heather Zygmontowicz - In memory of Mike Connolly
James and Bonnie Scarlett
James and Mary Hollabaugh
Jay and Diane Homan
Joan and Mike TenBrock
Joan Searby
Joann Sahs
Joe Defors and Janis Rygwelski
John and Constance Christophersen John and Denise McCallum
John and Jill Grisdale
John B Snyder
John Rogers
Juliette Adams
Karen Rubner Grotberg
Kenneth Vanelslander
Linda Shirkey
Lucinda Hahn
Mark Nesbit and Sarah McVay
Mark Voight and Jane Coulter Voight Mary Ellis
Mary Ruffley
Mary Smart
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Prisk
Pamela Grath
Patricia Rogers
Patricia Wall
Patrick McCarthy
Paul Belden
Paul Minschull
Paula McMenamy
Raymond Hale
Rebecca Samburg
Rebecca Teahen and the Rivard Teahen Match for Rebecca Teahen
Robert and Joan Cody
Robert Blessing
Ryan Blessing
Sandy Krolik
Scott Mulligan
Shady Trails Camp
Sherry Koenig
Steve Gilbreath
Susan Cahn and Mario Batali Tennenbaum Law Group
Terrance and Nancy Flanagan
Thomas Dinapoli
Thomas Whitney
Timm Sahs
Tom's Food Markets Charitable Funds Tony and Anne Hill
Wendy Kilgren
Wendy Lichtenwalter
Yvonne Nordstrand